Claire Christensen

Claire is a graphic designer and a printmaker.

She grew up in Ann Arbor, MI, where her parents and sibling still live. After an impromptu gap year, she followed her partner to Maine.

After exploring a wide variety of classes at Southern Maine Community College, Claire discovered a love for typography and abstract forms. Bound by a love for Portland, she transferred to Maine College of Art & Design, where she has been making, thinking, and designing non-stop.

email: clairechristensen123 at
instagram: @is.clairechristensen
resume: link
Other things that I am:

  1. a learner
  2. a do-er
  3. a listener
  4. a coder
  5. a reader
  6. a letterpress printer
  7. a pattern-lover
  8. a joker
  9. a note-taker
  10. a doodler
  11. a supporter
  12. a questioner
  13. a knitter
  14. a viewer
  15. a contemplator
  16. a communicator
Claire Christensen